25th - 26th of November 2014
Cluj IT Days: Innovation, entrepreneurship and technologies
Location: Cluj Arena conference hall
Peter Lawrey likes to inspire developers to improve the craftmanship of their solutions, engineer their systems for simplicity and performance, and enjoy their work more by being creative and innovative.
He has a popular blog “Vanilla Java” which gets 120K page views per months, is 3rd on StackOverflow.com for [Java] and 2nd for [concurrency], and is lead developer of the OpenHFT project which includes support for off heap memory, thread pinning and low latency persistence and IPC (as low as 100 nano-seconds)
Managing Director of accesa, Iulian Iuga has a unique way of running a very fast growing company, promoting values like: respect, courage, passion, pro-activity and modesty. Leading by example, Iulian has more than 12 years of international experience in the IT industry (working for companies from Germany, US, France, Israel). He has worked as a consultant and system architect for famous German companies like DHL, Deutsche Post and Post Bank and is a SAP BW and SAP XI (PI) certified consultant. An eye for detail, focus and commitment to achieve his goals are his main traits.
Silvia is a young, technology-passionate developer, working in the IT field for more than 4 years. She was introduced to the big data concepts while working for a customer in publishing business area; her passion for algorithmics and artificial intelligence teamed up with the offerings of the big data field and resulted in cool solutions based on platforms and technologies supporting big data. During her studies she has been involved in research activities about computer simulations and optimizations using techniques such as genetic programming, formal concept analysis, and social networks analysis.
Silvia has graduated from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, with first class degree in 2010 and took her MSc in Intelligent Systems from the same university in 2012.
Sergiu Damian is an experienced Software Architect with a deep understanding of software design, development practices and processes, and team dynamics. After 13 years spent in various roles in outsourcing, he chose to be an independent Software Architect, working with various companies and teams on reaching their goals. He is also active in IT communities, mentoring students and teaching on Software Architecture.
Dr.ing. Andrei Bogdan Rus este sef lucrari (lector) in cadrul Universitatii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Electronica, Telecomunicatii si Tehnologia Informatiei. Devenind din anul 2008 membru al colectivului UC Labs (Unified Communications Laboratories) din cadrul aceleiasi facultati, domnul Rus a participat in proiecte de cercetare internationale ce aveau ca tema principala tehnici de comunicatii in Internetul viitorului. Rezultatul intregii activitati de cercetare a fost validat in diverse articole publicate la conferinte internationale si reviste de specialitate. Aditional activitatilor de cercetare, Andrei Bogdan Rus este implicat si in activitati didactice cu studentii inscrisi la cursurile de licenta si masterat.
Dan Ionescu is an entrepreneur from Cluj-Napoca, with quite a mixed professional experience. He worked as an Electronics Engineer, for 10 years, in a research institute for IT&C. Then, he switched to management consultancy with DANIS Consulting, focusing his work mainly on the leadership process.
What happens when a technical skillful person becomes a manager? The new demands for the new manager are too often not properly answered... and this becomes a habit for many large IT companies. How do the IT companies’ HR Department respond to this challenge?
Started with physics in middle school, then moved to computer algorithms in high school, then moved to visual programming in college, then moved to evolutionary algorithms during the PhD, then moved to optical computing, then moved to robotics. Now with 3D printers.
Victor Ionescu was born in Medias, Sibiu. He holds a MSc degree in Computer Science and has recently enrolled for a PhD at the Computer Science Department of the Technical University Cluj-Napoca. Victor has had his first encounter with the SAP world about 3.5 years ago when, after a brief experience in the software industry as a Java developer, he decided to try out this domain, which at that time was completely unknown to him. Ever since, he has been involved in several SAP development projects, mostly in the Insurance line of business, taking on a wide range of tasks covering the entire software development lifecycle, from customer consulting and functional product specification, through to technical design and implementation.
I've been in software industry for 11+ years working in various fields from data synchronization to parallel and distributed predictive analytics software @ IBM SPSS. My interest in functional programming started in 2006-2007 where I started learning and coding in Scala. I've been invited by David Pollak (the LiftWeb creator) to become a member of LiftWeb team where I was active for about two years focusing mostly on the core framework aspects. In that period I co-authored "The definitive guide to Lift" book.
Nowadays I'm focusing on my day to day job and promoting Scala language in various groups. I also started a different purely stateless web framework in Scala called Shift.
Bogdan finished his studies in 1998 in France, at INSA Lyon and he has an engineering degree. He has been practicing engineering until 2005, when he decided to become an entrepreneur and founded his own IT company, PITECH+PLUS. If you ask Bogdan what was the key of success for his company, he will tell you that behind the hard work and attention for all the stakeholders, he always showed gratitude and care for his employees.
In 2014 Bogdan can talk about his activity as a President of the The French Business Club at Cluj, and he can also share what brought him the award for the French Entrepreneur of the Year in 2012.
Radu Vunvulea is a senior software engineer at iQuest, working on LoB application using Microsoft technologies. He has a vast experience on different platforms from mobile and web to backend solution deployed on on-premise and in the cloud.
He worked on different fields such as e-commerce, pharma, automoto, logistics, home automation and transportation. He is very active at offline events in Romania, where he is not only a speaker, but he is also an organizer. In the online world he writes technical posts on his blog.
Zsolt Alfréd Polgár received Dipl.Eng. degree, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in 1995, 1996 and 2002, respectively. Since 1996 he is with the Communication Department of Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, where currently he is Associate Professor. His research interests involve error correcting codes, wireless networks, network coding and cooperative communications. He was involved in several COST actions and FP7 projects as team member and as local coordinator.
Sebastian Big, pe care îl găsiţi pe sebastianbig.ro, este, pe plan naţional, unul dintre cei mai buni clarvăzători sintactici, o meserie de viitor în timpuri de criză nu atât economică, cât conceptuală.
Profeţii semantice de orice natură: socială, psihologică, tehnologică etc., s-au încercat de multe ori în trecut, dar rezultatele au fost dezamăgitoare iar direcţiile de urmat neclare, în ciuda eforturilor asidue ale respectivelor scene de a le urma.
Interaction Designer, dar de formaţie filozofică şi cu traduceri din Virilio, Baudrillard, Derrida & Stiegler şi un doctorat în Comunicare terminat prematur, Sebastian Big îşi valorifică talentul pe piaţa româneasca de IT, încercând să pună în valoare metodele sale de clarviziune într-un sistem deocamdată cantonat în factualitatea imediată.
Șerban Țîr has a 14 years experience working with Sillicon Valey based companies. During this period he played different roles within the software projects he was involved in, starting with software developer to Vice President of Engineering. The experience includes business relationships with small start-ups as well as very large public companies. Currently he is CTO at Gemini Solutions group of companies.
He understood the real value of high-tech innovation, and he is one of the initiators of the GeminiFoundry initiative, a "flexible accelerator" which promotes Romanian high-tech start-ups to the American market.
With 15 years experience in providing support services for companies, starting with securities brokerage, post trading services, consultancy, investor relations, continuing with direct financing and the newest trend: crowdfunding, my costumers recommend me as an expert in my activity area.
As entrepreneur, by launching the first independent shareholder registry from Transylvania, introducing the investor relations concept in Romania, I have continued by establishing the Transylvanian Consulting Trust and currently, by getting involved in the development of the crowdfunding (creating the first crowdfunding platform in Romania, www.multifinantare.ro, as an alternative for projects financing) I would like to contribute to the development of the national business ecosystem.
Simona Bonghez, PhD, trainer and consultant, owner of Colors in Projects, has over 20 years of experience in delivering training and consulting services in management and project management. Simona thinks that she would not have come this far without a good sense of humor. She really believes that games and metaphors are powerful tools for having interactive and enjoyable experience sharing sessions, thus enforcing the learning process.
Voicu Oprean is an entrepreneur focused on developing and distributing web, mobile, embedded, and cloud software solutions, with extensive experience in outsourcing for the travel and hospitality industry. He started AROBS Transilvania Software in June 1998, with the main goal to promote Romanian IT software specialists and their ability to work from Romania and thus offer them good career opportunities in Romania. AROBS Transilvania Software currently employs over 350 specialists; the company has operational offices in Cluj-Napoca, Bucharest, Iasi, Targu Mures, Timisoara, Chisinau and London.
I am a passionate software developer, continuous learner, mentor and teacher at Mozaic Works. I am a polyglot programmer, I love challenges and I use all the techniques I know to overcome them. Since last year, I develop products. Some info about me:
Don't hesitate to contact me for advice, pair programming (even remote) or growth opportunities in the industry on my website alexbolboaca.ro or through Mozaic Works mozaicworks.com.
A graduate of the Master of Human Resources Psychology, Andreea began her career as a HR Generalist in a logistics company – here she discovered and developed a passion for the area of Human Resources. International experience as a member of the global Talent Management team within a telecommunications company, contributed to acquiring and improving her knowledge in this field. In addition, this context has had a positive impact when she decided to try the IT field as a freelancer. Since 2012, Andreea - is Senior Recruiter at Endava - Cluj, one of the IT companies recognized as having one of the most accelerated growth in Romania.
In addition to corporate activities, Andreea initiated several successful projects in education, among the best known are collaborations with student organizations to provide support Cluj students in defining a career path.
Mihai Nadăș has been Yonder CTO for a few years now, creating the Yonder technology vision. With his team, he researches innovations and technology developments and viability, and apply it within Yonder and at our clients. Starting June, Mihai is also Business Unit Director, that enables him to further develop his commercial talent and bridge the gap between technological possibilities and the needs and wishes of our clients.
Director of Technical Training at 3Pillar Global and lecturer at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, UBB, his fields of interest including databases, object oriented modeling and software projects management. Very passionate about animated movies and video games.
Mircea is a startup founder and co-organiser of Open Coffee meetups in Cluj-Napoca. He is passionate about entrepreneurship and education. In the past, he was involved in many community volunteering projects, but now he is focused on startups (more on www.mirceavadan.ro).
Alex Lakatos is wearing many hats, two of the most important being QA Technical Lead at Xoomworks and Mozilla Representative. He’s a geek building and testing on the open web, trying to push it’s boundaries every day for the past 4 years. You can check out his github profile or get in touch on twitter. When he’s not programming, he likes to travel the world, so it’s likely you’ll bump into him in an airport lounge.
Ana Soviany is a project coordinator for Asociaţia Identitate Culturală Contemporană/ The Association for Contemporary Cultural Identity (AICC) and a producer for the AICC-powered radio show Romanian Letters (Activ eFeM), which aims to discover and promote Romanian stories that defy Romanian-centered stereotypes. She is currently pursuing a PhD degree in communication sciences at the University of Bucharest. She holds a Master degree in journalism and started her journalistic career in 2007.
Prof. Zoltán Horváth, Director of the EIT ICT Labs Budapest Associate Partner Group, graduated as a teacher of mathematics, physics and computer science in 1986 and received his Ph.D. in 1996 from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He has been teaching at the university since 1986 and is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics as well as Head of the Department of Programming Languages and Compilers at Eötvös Loránd University. Before he was appointed as Dean, he had been Vice-Rector for International Affairs since 2010. In 2002, he won the Informatics Teacher of the Year award from the Hungarian CIO Association. Between 2003 and 2006, he received the Bolyai Research Scholarship, and he was awarded the Master Teacher OTDT Gold Medal in 2009. The CEEPUS network led by him won the CEEPUS Ministers’ Prize in 2004 and in 2007. He is Co-Chair of the Committee of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference on Information Sciences. Prof. Zoltán Horváth received the Knight's Cross from the Order of Merit of Hungary from the President of Hungary on 20 August 2013.
Manager at Accenture who aims to contribute to the 4th Industrial Revolution with a team of professionals from the Transylvanian IT and engineering scene.
Andrei Kelemen is the Executive Director of Cluj IT Cluster, a value-chain based initiative that currently encompasses more than 30 IT companies, 3 universities and a number of public authorities, research institutes and other catalyst organizations. Andrei has more than 15 years of management experience in various environments (private, not-for-profit, public institutions). Andrei’s personal social project is to encourage individuals to embark on independent journeys while also being part of the social fabric of the communities they are part of. Andrei is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in international affairs.
Currently at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the Multimedia Technologies and Distant Education Centre, Serban integrates his passion for video and multimedia systems into research and developments for the industry. He has been actively involved in Romanian (national scale) educational projects like www.didatec.ro, www.e-start.ro, www.e-administratie.forhe.ro and colaborated with companies like Grass Valley – Netherlands in the manufacturing of high-end professional video cameras. He is interested in socially-intercative educational platforms and 3D augmented reality video.