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IT Days

25th - 26th of November 2014

Cluj IT Days: Innovation, entrepreneurship and technologies
Location: Cluj Arena conference hall

Event Poster

Java performance workshop - 24th november

Target: Senior Java Developers


  • Improving performance by reducing allocation rate with examples.
  • Real World usage of Java 8 Lambdas and Optional, Patterns and Anti-patterns.
  • Lambdas, under the bonnet. How do they really work and how do you debug/profile them?
  • Low level Java programming, how to make using Unsafe safer?
  • Faster logging and persisted messaging with Chronicle Queue.
  • Storing and persisting more data with off heap collections.

Price: 250 euro + TVA

Location: Grand Hotel Italia

Peter Lawrey - He has a popular blog “Vanilla Java” which gets 120K page views per months, is 3rd on StackOverflow.com for [Java] and 2nd for [concurrency], and is lead developer of the OpenHFT project which includes support for off heap memory, thread pinning and low latency persistence and IPC (as low as 100 nano-seconds)

Workshop main partner




Creativity, Agile and Software Craftmanship Workshop - 24th november

Target: Programmers, Testers, Architects, Team Leaders & Managers


9:00 - 11:00 - Pre-Sales Release planning and Estimations in an Agile environment
  • Hands-on exercise to practice
  • Story brainstorming
  • Affinity estimation
  • Velocity prediction
  • MVP iteration/release planning
  • Commitment in Agile

The participants to this workshop need the will to learn about new practices in an Agile environment. Also, a minimum experience in building software projects is necessary (as a programmer, tester, architect or leader).

11:00 - 11:30 - Coffee break

11:30 - 13:30 - Creativity Workshop

Through a powerful set of tools, in a relaxed, fun but working atmosphere, you will discover how creativity is the key to finding new solutions and developing dynamic teams. You will find out not only how to exploit your own creativity, but how to use it to unlock the talents in others, benefitting teams, organizations and individuals alike.

13:30 - 14:30 - Lunch break

14:30 - 17:30 - Architectural Kata

How do we get great designers? Great designers design, of course.
-Fred Brooks

So how are we supposed to get great architects, if they only get the chance to architect fewer than a half-dozen times in their career?
-Ted Neward

The Architecture Kata is an exercise focused on practicing architecture. It is a very valuable exercise for any serious software developer because you get to practice how to create and communicate software architecture. To attend this event you only need the will to learn, be open to have conversations about architecture and, of course, programming experience. You will not need a laptop.

Price: 150 euro + TVA

Location: Grand Hotel Italia

Dan Suciu, PhD - Director of Technical Training at 3Pillar Global and lecturer at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, UBB, his fields of interest including databases, object oriented modeling and software projects management. Very passionate about animated movies and video games.

Simona Bonghez, PhD - Owner of Confucius Consulting, member of the PMI CMAG has over 15 years of experience as a trainer and consultant in management and project management. She truly believes that humour, games and metaphors are powerful tools for having interactive and enjoyable training sessions, thus enforcing the learning process.

Alexandru Bolboacă - With more than 10 years of experience in the world of software, Alexandru shares about himself: I wanted to develop software to help my clients improve their business. I was helped by my professors, colleagues and mentors to continuously improve both my technical and analysis skills. Whenever I write code I focus on reducing domain complexity to obtain maintainable software. The continuous improvement paradigm is important for the people I work with and for myself; this is why I like helping people and teams reach their goals.